Showing posts with label The Richards Group. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Richards Group. Show all posts

Sunday, February 17, 2013

The Richards Group - RAM "Farmer"

Title: "Farmer"
Client: RAM
Agency: The Richards Group

The Brief
Paul Harvey, the ABC American broadcaster idealizes the life of a farmer in a poetic speech to the nation with this superbowl spot. With profound imagery and a divine perspective, the narration leads us through the journey of answering why we admire and need our American farming culture.

RAM has always had an association with becoming close to the rural American way of life, but it also wants to make sure that the future generations of farmers are not lost to other ideals. As a reminder, RAM wants to create a connection with the FFA (Future Farmers of America) to show that the brand will align with American growing youth.

The Insight: Farming is an admired practice 

After every time I have watched this spot, I was left with a sense of undeserved pride for what I do as a career. The fact remains that farming is a tough, tough, tough job and most people watching this commercial have never seen a farmer or let alone ever been on a farm. Since the obvious target of this commercial was the younger generations, RAM wants to align their products with the same sense of integrity and pride in order to keep their image honest and pure.

It is an inspiring spot.